Derry march: Van set on fire after dissident parade in Creggan

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The parade, marking the anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising, began at 14:00 BST on Monday at Creggan shops before making its way to the City Cemetery.

The event was organised by the Derry 1916 Committee, which is supported by the Saoradh organisation, considered by the police to be linked to the New IRA.

The PSNI said it was also aware of reports on social media that petrol bombs had been thrown at members of the press.

A police helicopter observed the event and a drone flying overhead relayed a message reminding participants that the gathering was “unnotified”.

Supt Kearney said officers had received an 11/1 notification form on Saturday March 30 in relation to an event in the City Cemetery on 1 April.

“This did not include notification of a parade from Central Drive to the City Cemetery in Creggan,” she added.

“Police engaged with the event organiser and, on the day, issued several warnings from a drone to make participants aware they would be taking part in an unnotified parade on Central Drive.

“Despite several warnings, participants proceeded along Central Drive and into the City Cemetery.”

The PSNI said officers would review footage from their “evidence gathering operation” as part of an investigation into a breach of the Public Processions Act and offences under the Terrorism Act.